2019.03. Everforex SMS Notification system was rolled out. Everforex Online will generate and send SMS messages to client registered cell phones for notifying some important items such as password reset, large transactions and more in the future. All SMS will be sent from Everforex' dedicated phone number (647) 696-8899.
2018.12. Everforex Online trading platform was completely rewritten and upgraded to support desktop and mobile devices.
2018.02. Everforex successfully passed a two-day onsite AML review conducted by The Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC), the Canadian government's financial intelligence unit.
2017.09. Everforex successfully passed an one-day onsite AML review conducted by Grant Thornton, a top ranking international consulting firm in the world.
2017.04. Everforex trading system released the latest features of internal data sharing centre. The rollout makes it easier than ever on customer record keeping and management, which is a magnificent milestone to the ultimate Big Data plateform on our business software construction and best practice implementation.
2016.11. Everforex started to accept Interac e-Transfer (Email Transfer) from any bank in Canada. Interac e-Transfer is a convenient and secure way to move fund.
2016.01. Everforex.ca was completely redesigned and implemented with a responsive layout. New company logo was also released.
2015.03. With zero dificiency, Everforex' seven branches passed the indepedent compliance audit by Grant Thornton.
2006.08. Everforex Online, the one of very few online currency exchange platforms in the world, rolled out..
2006.07. Everforex was granted AFS license by ASIC in Australia. It's one of the largest milestones in our history. In June our first branch on Collins street in Melbourne opened.